Why bitter substances are healthy
Due to our often sweet and salty diet, the body cannot absorb enough bitter substances, which are very important for health.
The body needs bitter substances to keep the digestion and immune system going as well as possible. In this way, they stimulate the production of gastric juice, bile and pancreatic secretion in order to be able to absorb food properly. Certain substances are therefore necessary in order to be able to excrete pathogens and toxins. This in turn is good for the immune system, as our intestinal mucosa makes a major contribution to a healthy immune system.
Two important bitter herbs are gentian root and wormwood. Both are processed in dried form and contain a very large amount of bitter substances. The gentian root is still one of the bitterest known natural substances. Both wormwood and gentian root are mainly processed into teas or alcoholic extracts – for example in the Original Swedish Bitter and Original Swedish Herbal Elixir – and can therefore make a valuable contribution to feelings of fullness after fatty meals, flatulence, indigestion and loss of appetite.