The strength of wormwood is the help of man
Wormwood is a medicinal plant that is native to the eastern Mediterranean. The essential oils of the herb, which contain a very high concentration of bitter substances, have been said to have high healing properties since ancient times.
Wormwood was already used in ancient times because of its effects on digestive problems such as seasickness. The famous natural healer Hildegard von Bingen later named wormwood as a “master against all exhaustion” and used tea mixtures against infections, stomach problems, menstrual cramps and headaches. In fact, wormwood is still used to this day – in processed form, for example in the original Swedish bitter – to help with bloating, loss of appetite and after meals that are too fatty.
Furthermore, the effect of the ingredient in today’s naturopathy allows it to be used for flatulence, to strengthen the immune system, for heartburn or for gastric mucosal inflammation. Wormwood has a high proportion of bitter substances, which stimulate the production of digestive juices in the stomach, gall bladder and liver and therefore make fatty meals easier to digest.
What also makes wormwood known are the expressions “drop of wormwood” and “bitter aftertaste”. The origin of this phrase lies in the bitter taste of wormwood, which is associated with unpleasant side effects.