Propolis – Natural vitamin booster
Propolis is produced by bees as a protective barrier, so to speak as a closure of the beehive, in order to protect the beehive from pathogens.
The Greek name already suggests that propolis has been known as a natural remedy for thousands of years. Aristotle, for example, recommended bee resin as a putty for disinfecting purulent wounds. Propolis also played an important role among the Egyptians. They used it to disinfect wounds as well as to embalm mummies.
Even today, the effect of propolis as an ointment is known. It regenerates badly damaged skin as well as skin irritations and skin irritations. In addition, it is still believed that propolis juice can increase the production of antibodies, which in turn can support the immune system.
But propolis is not only intended for external use. Taken in juice form, natural propolis supplements the diet.
It has been proven that propolis consists of more than 300 components that have not yet been fully researched. However, some of the components are vitamins of the B group, vitamin E, vitamin H and vitamin A. It also contains trace elements and minerals that are important for humans, such as iron, copper, cobalt, zinc and calcium.