Award from the Austrian patent office
Holzhacker Franzbranntwein was approved by the Austrian patent office in 2020 with the words: “The Holzhacker brand is not only considered strong, powerful and traditional, but has also received several awards for its packaging design. A real champion and that since 1954. ”excellent.
And indeed, anyone who knows Holzhacker rubbing alcohol knows that it has not only remained unchanged in color and smell for many decades, but is also particularly strong in its effect.
The year 1954 was the hour of birth for Holzhacker Franzbranntwein. Back then in a different design, it still helps today with the ingredients arnica and menthol for sore muscles, tiredness, headaches, sensitivity to the weather and much more.
However, Holzhacker rubbing alcohol was also available in other variants over the years – for example, as noble fir rubbing alcohol or sports rubbing alcohol.
Holzhacker rubbing alcohol is currently refreshing athletes and physically active people with the arnica and menthol or mountain pine varieties because of its circulation-promoting effect.